A unique music production studio
Workshop for the production of modern compositions for the music and movie industry
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About us
QOQ Studio's mission is to help people see the true beauty of sound
QOQ Studio is a creative workshop producing contemporary compositions for the music industry, film and advertising, where every note, every sound and every melody is created with a special attention to detail and a passion for music.

Services Provided:

**An instrument and vocal recording**

**Personalized Music Compositions**

**Comprehensive music design for video content**

**Sound design for game projects and applications**

**Creation of tracks, musical compositions**

**Idea, arrangement, mixing, mastering**

Our studio specialists provide full-service recording and production of music albums of various genres. We will provide quality sound of your music, from preliminary conceptualization to final mastering.

We offer the creation of unique sound effects and soundtracks that will provide a fully immersive experience and make your project unforgettable for users.

Individualized Approach

We take a deep dive into the specifics of each project to provide exactly the music solution you need

Professional equipment

Recording is possible at sampling rates up to 192 kHz
Yamaha NS-10M, РМС twо twо 8, АТС с4 sub, Volume knob - Dаngеrоus mоnitоr st, Summarizer - Тubе-tесh summing аmрlifiеr SSА 2В
Аkg с 414 b-uls *2, Соlеs 4038 *2, Sеnnhеisеr 421 *3, Аkg с 451 b, Аkg с 451 е, Shurе sm57 , Shurе bеtа 52а , Sеnnhеisеr md441, Мiktеk с4, Nеumаnn m-147, Rоyеr 121, Еаrthwоrks QТС50 раir, Еаrthwоrks SR30
ВURL В1D *2, ВURL В1 *2, FLЕХIGUY FG500 *2, АVеdis МА5 *4, ТОNЕLUХ МР5А *4, LаСhареll Аudiо 583е *2, Сhаndlеr limitеd Littlе Dеvil *2
Inwаrd соnnесtiоns thе brutе limitеr, Маnlеy vаriаblе mu , Маnlеy mаssivе раssivе , Еvеntidе h3000, Roland DEP-5
Rоlаnd Junо 106, Rоlаnd SH-09, Roland TR-606, MFB -503, Korg Ms2000b, Коrg ms 20, Nоrd g2 mоdulаr et al.
Korg- SQ1, BeatStepPro

Professionalism and Experience

Our professionals have years of experience in the music industry and utilize the latest technology to achieve superior results

Why QOQ?

The Klingon language is an artificial language invented by Mark Okrand for the Klingon race from the Star Trek universe. It has a complex and elaborate grammar, syntax, extensive vocabulary (over 2500 words), elaborate alphabet and phonetics.

When I started organizing events in 2019, I decided to encode in the title the theme that will unite us here!

In Klingon, QOQ is music!

In 2024, the name and combined mark was registered and recognized as intellectual property.
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    Dnl Mike
    Project founder, musician, sound engineer, composer.

Sign up for a free consultation
You can order the service by appointment or after a consultation with a specialist. Hourly rent or individual work in the studio is not provided! Be attentive!
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